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Burning Crusade recipes and reagents


* Volatile Healing Potion [300] - Requires level 55 - Restores 1050 to 1750 Health
Materials - 1 Golden Sansam, 1 Felweed, 1 Imbued Vial

* Onslaught Elixir [300] - Requires Level 50 - Increases Attack power by 60 for 1 hour
Materials - 1 Mountain Silversage, 1 Felweed, 1 Imbued Vial

* Adept’s Elixir [300] - Requires Level 50 - Increases Spell Damage and Healing by up to 24
and spell critical strike rating by 24 for 1 hour
Materials - 1 Dreamfoil, 1 Felweed, 1 Imbued Vial

* Elixir of Major Strength - Requires Level 50 - Increase your Strength by 35 for 1 hour
Materials - 1 Mountain Silversage, 1 Felweed

* Elixir of Healing Power - Requires Level 50 - Increases the effects of healing spells that
you cast by up to 50 for 1 hour
Materials - 1 Golden Sansam, 1 Dreaming Glory, 1 Imbued Vial

* Unstable Mana Potion - Requires Level 55 - Restores 1350 to 2250 Mana
Materials - 2 Rageveil, 1 Felweed, 1 Imbued Vial

* Elixir of Mastery - Requires Level 50 - Increases all stats by 15 for 1 hour
Materials - 3 Terocone, 1 Felweed, 1 Imbued Vial

* Super Healing Potion [330] - Requires Level 55 - Restores 1500 to 2500 Health
Materials - 2 Dreaming Glory, 1 Felweed, 1 Imbued Vial

Purchased Recipes:

* Recipe: Elixir of Camouflage - Grand Master Alchemist Gribble in Honor Hold (Limited
Quantity 1)
Elixir of Camouflage [305] - Requires Level 50 - Imbiber cannot be tracked for 1 hour
Materials - 1 Rageveil, 1 Felweed, 1 Imbued Vial

* Recipe: Sneaking Potion - Leeli Longhaggle in Allagrian Stronghold, Reagent Vendor in
Zabra’jin (Limited Quantity 1)
Sneaking Potion [315] - Requires Level 50 - Increases Stealth a Great Deal for 1 minute
Materials - 2 Rageveil, 1 Felweed, 1 Imbued Vial

* Recipe: Elixir of Major Frost Power - Haalrun in Telredor, Reagent Vendor in
Zabra’jin (Limited Quantity 1)
Elixir of Major Frost Power [320] - Requires Level 50 - Increases Frost Spell Damage by up to 55 for 1 hour
Materials - 2 Mote of Water, 1 Ancient Lichen, 1 Imbued Vial

* Recipe: Elixir of Major Agility - Honor Hold Quartermaster
Requires Honor Hold - Honored
Elixir of Major Agility - Requires Level 55 - Increases your Agility by 35 for 1 hour
Materials - 1 Terocone, 2 Felweed, 1 Imbued Vial

* Recipe: Shrouding Potion - Sporeggar Provisioner
Requires Sporeggar Exalted
Shrouding Potion - Requires Level - Requires Level 55 - Shrouds you from nearby enemies so you seem less threatening to them.
Materials - 3 Rageveil, 1 Netherbloom, 1 Imbued Vial

* Recipe: Super Mana Potion - Haalrun in Telredor & Daga Ramba in Tunderlord Village(Limited Quantity 1)
Super Mana Potion [340] - Requires Level 55 - Restores 1800 to 3000 Mana
Materials - 2 Netherbloom, 1 Felweed, 1 Imbued Vial

* Recipe: Elixir of Major Defense - Haalrun in Telredor & Daga Ramba in Thunderlord Village(Limited Quantity 1)
Elixir of Major Defense [345] - Requires Level 55 - Increases Armor by 550 for 1 hour
Materials - 3 Ancient Lichen, 1 Terocone, 1 Imbued Vial

* Recipe: Elixir of Major Firepower - Scryers Quartermaster in Shattarah
Elixir of Major Firepower [345] - Requires Level 50 - Increases fire spell damage by up to 65 for 1 hour
Materials - 3 Mote of Fire, 1 Ancient Lichen, 1 Imbued Vial

* Recipe: Transmute Skyfire Diamond - Honor Hold Quartermaster
Requires Honor Hold - Honored
Transmute Skyfire Diamond - Requires 3 Blood Garnet, 3 Flame Spessarite, 3 Azure Moonstone,
2 Primal Fire, 2 Primal Air
Produces - Skyfire Diamond

* Recipe: Major Nature Protection Potion - Fedryen Swiftspear in Cenarion Expedition
Requires Cenarion Expedition - Exalted
Major Nature Protection Potion [350] - Requires Level 60 - Absorbs 2800 to 4000 Nature Damage. Lasts 1 hour
Materials - 1 Primal Life, 1 Mana Thistle, 1 Imbued Vial

* Recipe: Transmute Primal Might - Skreah in Shattrath
Transmute Primal Might [350] - Requires 1 Primal Earth, 1 Primal Water, 1 Primal Air, 1 Primal Fire, 1 Primal Mana
Produces - 1 Primal Might

* Recipe: Transmute Primal Water - Sporeggar Quartermaster Revered Reputation
Transmute Primal Water [350] - Requires 1 Primal Earth
Produces - 1 Primal Water

* Recipe: Transmute Primal Air - Cenarion Expedition Quartermaster Revered Reputation
Transmute Primal Air [350] - Requires 1 Primal Water
Produces - 1 Primal Air

* Recipe: Transmute Primal Earth - Kurenai Quartermaster Revered Reputation
Transmute Primal Earth [350] - Requires 1 Primal Fire
Produces - 1 Primal Earth

* Recipe: Alchemist’s Stone - Almaador in Shattrath City Sha’tar Revered Reputation
Alchemist’s Stone - Epic Trinket
+15 Strength
+15 Agility
+15 Stamina
+15 Intellect
+15 Spirit
Equip: Increase the effect that Healing and Mana potions have on the wearer by 40%
Materials - 1 Philosopher’s Stone, 1 Earthstorm Diamond, 1 Skyfire Diamond, 2 Fel Lotus, 5 Primal Might
Requires: Alchemy Lab

Looted Recipes:

* Recipe: Heroic Potion
Heroic Potion [350] - Increases Strength by 70 and health by 700 for 15 seconds
Materials - 2 Terocone, 1 Ancient Lichen, 1 Imbued Vial

* Recipe: Destruction Potion
Destruction Potion [350] - Increases Spell Critical Chance by 2% and increases damge done by up to 120 for 15 seconds
Materials - 2 Nightmare Vine, 1 Netherbloom, 1 Imbued Vial

* Recipe: Haste Potion
Haste Potion [350] - Increase Haste Rating by 400 for 15 seconds
Materials - 2 Terocone, 1 Netherbloom, 1 Imbued Vial

* Recipe: Elixir of Major Mageblood
Major Mageblood [355] - Requires Level 60 - Regenerates 16 Mana ever 5 seconds for 1 hour
Materials - 1 Ancient Lichen, 1 Netherbloom, 1 Imbued Vial

* Recipe: Elixer of Empowerment
Empowerment [365] - Requires Level 60 - Reduces the Magic Resistances of your targets to your spells by 30 for 1 hour
Materials - 1 Netherbloom, 1 Mana Thistle, 1 Imbued Vial

* Recipe: Insane Strength Potion
Insane Strength Potion - Requires Level 50 - Increases your Strength by 120 and decreases your defense rating by 75 for 15 sec.
Materials - 3 Terocone, 1 Imbued Vial

* Recipe: Major Dreamless Sleep Potion
Major Dreamless Sleep Potion - Requires Level 60 - Puts the imbiber in a dreamless sleep for 12 sec. During that time the imbiber heals 3600 health and 3600 mana.
Materials - 1 Dreaming Glory, 1 Netherbloom, 1 Imbued Vial

Discovery Recipes (These are recipes that have been “Discovered” by players while they were making other already learned potions/elixirs.):

* Flask of Mighty Restoration - Increases the player’s mana regeneration by 70 mana per
5 seconds for 2 hours
Materials - 10 Terocone, 20 Dreaming Glory, 1 Fel Lotus, 1 Imbued Vial
Discovered While Making: Adept’s Elixir, Super Healing Potion

* Flask of Fortification - Increases the player’s maximum health by 1500 and defense rating by 30 for 2 hrs. You can only have the effect of one flask at a time. This effect persists though death.
Materials - ?
Discovered While Making: Unstable Mana Potion

* Flask of Arcane Fortification - Increases the player’s resistance to Arcane spells by 75 and health regeneration by 40 every 5 seconds for 2 hrs. You can only have the effect of one flask at a time. This effect persists through death.
Materials - 20 Netherblooom, 10 Mana Thistle, 1 Fel Lotus, 1 Imbued Vial
Discovered While Making: Adept’s Elixir, Super Healing Potion

* Flask of Shadow Fortification - Increases the player’s resistance to shadow spells by 75 and health regeneration by 40 every 5 seconds for 2 hrs. You can only have the effect of
one flask at a time. This effect persists through death
Materials - 20 Nightmare Vine, 10 Mana Thistle, 1 Fel Lotus, 1 Imbued Vial
Discovered While Making: Elixir of Major Agility

* Flask of Relentless Assault - Increases Attack Power by 360 for 2 hours
Materials - 1 Fel Lotus, 10 Mana Thistle, 20 Terocone, 1 Imbued Vial
Discovered While Making: Elixir of Greater Frost Power

* Transmute Primal Life to Primal Earth
Requires - Primal Life
Produces - Primal Earth

* Transmute Primal Earth to Primal Life
Requires - Primal Earth
Produces - Primal Life
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7 December  7 December @ 2010-10-04 23:25:04

When will be released Catalysm?  When will be released Catalysm? @ 2010-01-24 18:39:53

Me too  Me too @ 2008-11-06 02:26:17

Preordered on Amazon allready and I hope they wont let me down  Preordered on Amazon allready and I hope they wont let me down @ 2008-11-06 02:23:29

Just 6 more days to wait....  Just 6 more days to wait.... @ 2008-11-06 02:22:45

Cataclysm pre-order!

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